counter stats Rock the Walk

Rock the Walk

According to the American Heart Association:

It's Easy
• Walking is the simplest way to start and continue a fitness journey.
• Walking costs nothing to get started.
• Walking has the lowest dropout rate of any type of exercise.
• Walking is easy and safe.

It Works
• Studies show that for every hour of walking, life expectancy may increase by two hours.
• Walking for as few as 30 minutes a day provides heart health benefits.
• Walking is the single most effective form of exercise to achieve heart health.

It Pays
• Physically active people save $500 a year in healthcare costs.
• Employers can save $16 for every $1 they spend on health and wellness.
• Fitness programs have reduced employer healthcare costs by 20 - 55%.
• Reducing just one health risk in the workplace increases productivity by 9%.
• Reducing one health risk decreases absenteeism by 2%.
Tips for Home:
• Do housework yourself instead of hiring someone else to do it.
• Work in the garden or mow the grass. Using a riding mower doesn't count! Rake leaves, prune, dig and pick up trash.
• Go out for a short walk before breakfast, after dinner or both! Start with 5-10 minutes and work up to 30 minutes.
• Walk or bike to the corner store instead of driving.
• When walking, pick up the pace from leisurely to brisk. Choose a hilly route.
• When watching TV, sit up instead of lying on the sofa. Or stretch. Better yet, spend a few minutes pedaling on your stationary bicycle while watching TV.
• Walk around while talking on the telephone.
• Park farther away at the shopping mall and walk the extra distance. Wear your walking shoes and sneak in an extra lap or two around the mall.
• Stretch to reach items in high places and squat or bend to look at items at floor level.
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