counter stats Januari 2013

 Jill C. Manning, PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist stated, “The following three concepts, among many others, have been helpful for women to incorporate into their healing and decision-making process:”

1. Clarify the Motivation. “In many cases, pornography use is more about seeking an escape or mood-altering effect than it is about sex itself. Although pornography use often starts out as a youthful curiosity about sex, in most cases it develops into a way of escaping certain emotions and stressors. Looking at pornography can even be used to self-medicate depression and anxiety and to self-soothe loneliness or poor self-esteem. Understanding this can help cut through the faulty belief that being more sexual with a pornography user will reduce consumption, or that if someone is using pornography, his or her spouse must not be sexually available or attractive. In addition, understanding the non-sexual motivations behind pornography use can help a woman understand that her partner would have likely turned to pornography regardless of whom he married and that his pornography use is not a commentary on her attractiveness (even though it feels like an attack). Erroneous assumptions about the motivations around pornography use not only promote misplaced blame and shame, but also detract from holding the consumer responsible for choosing to deal with life's problems in maladaptive and harmful ways.”
2. Beware of Comparing Reality to Fantasy. “Many women will tell me they feel insecure and intimidated when they compare themselves to the pornography stars their husband lusts after. There are two issues here: (1) the destabilizing hurt caused by a husband's infidelity and (2) the dynamic of comparing oneself to someone who has prostituted herself in a pornographic scene. Let's look at the second part of this assumption. Many women believe they don't measure up to what their husband is neurotically and narcissistically seeking out because they think the porn stars represent a sexual ideal. This is one of the biggest lies pornography invites women to believe. Most pornography stars have histories of sexual abuse, drug use or addiction, mental health problems, failed relationships, cosmetic surgery, and/or sexually transmitted diseases. In short, the only thing that is modeled in pornography is sexual brokenness and spiritual disconnection. Men who recover from a pornography habit also come to this realization and ironically begin to “see” the beauty of their spouse as what they desire and need.”
3. Ignore Comments That Invalidate the Seriousness of This Problem, and Seek Out People Who Understand the Issue. “When a woman takes the risk to share this marital problem with a trusted friend or family member, it is not uncommon for her to encounter statements such as, ‘Boys will be boys,’ ‘All guys are into porn,’ or ‘At least he isn't cheating on you.’ Comments such as these not only demoralize and invalidate, but they also reflect a lack of understanding about the addictive potential this habit has and the impact pornography use has on relationships. Pornography use represents a serious breach of the marital bond and pulls sexual energy away from an intimate relationship. It is important to ignore comments that dismiss or invalidate the seriousness of this issue and to actively seek out the opinions and support of individuals who understand this issue well. As a woman sifts through the constraining and erroneous beliefs that compound the pain associated with a spouse's pornography use, she is better able to make healthy decisions and take steps that will facilitate healing. Although it is troubling to consider that an increasing number of women are facing this issue in their marriage, it is reassuring to know there are also a growing number of resources to support women and families dealing with this issue. With our continued support, the Lighted Candle Society will not only be able to help women get the support they need, but also be able to continue its unique fight against the pornography industry at large.”

For further information and resources regarding the impact of pornography: click here

LDS Sources to Help and Comfort Women Impacted by Pornography

First things first...We are truly blessed to have the means to set a pretty table and invite our friends to join us for good food and fellowship. I am mindful that many are not so fortunate. My daughter has a passion for the work of the Food Bank. As a singer-songwriter, she has written and recorded a song that is the anthem for the world wide Crop Hunger Walk project. Her song, "Raise Your Voice" is featured in their video. I've included a link in the side margin of my blog. I hope that it will encourage you to support projects in your community that contribute to the effort to overcome hunger.

As promised, I'm sharing the baby shower that I hosted with my friend Marsha a little over a week ago.

I am blessed with a friend who runs an invitation/stationery business from her home.  I designed this invitation, and she produced it for me.  We called our baby shower, "Waiting for Edie Elizabeth to Blossom."  The liner paper that I chose to insert in the enclosure set the tone for our party.  It was all about flowers....many. pink. flowers.

 As guests entered, they were offered an "Edie Elizabeth Special", otherwise known as a Cranberry/Pomegranate & Pear Nectar Bellini.  Over time, I've painted six dozen of the gold flutes.  They've really come in handy, and I often loan them to friends for their parties, too.  Today I've presented them on one of the Barker-Ellis Silver Galley Trays, a wedding gift from many years ago.  Come on into the dining room...on your left...

We created a buffet table in the dining room....lots of pink...lots of flowers.  Tip:  My favorite time to host a shower is Sunday afternoon from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m., for ladies.  I find that the response is always good, and it ends up as an economical time to entertain.  Everyone has already had lunch, and they're not ready for dinner.  Fill the table with savories and sweets, and you'll be good to go.

With our floral design emphasis, the Coalport Sevres Group Luncheon Plates were a no-brainer choice.  I really like this set of plates.  They are all on the same white embossed blank, but there are numerous designs using similar flowers.  I set the table with a combination of the Reed & Barton Francis I and Reed & Barton Grande Renaissance forks.  They always seem to play well with each other.  

Over time, I've kind of developed a formula for these events.  Cheese and fruit...One of my favorites to prepare is Brie en Croute.  Today I created a teddy bear to top the Brie's crust.

 Up to my old tricks today...The flowers in the chandelier are merely a pair of pink Wisteria garlands found at Hobby Lobby.

The Williams-Sonoma White Matelasse Tablecloth, an eBay find, added a nice spot of texture to the design.

I perched the pair of Pottery Barn Mercury Glass Globes atop the Juliska-like candlesticks.  The Cookie Princess mini-cupcakes were crowned with mini cookies decorated with E monograms, flowers, and baby buggies.  These mini-cupcakes are always a hit.  Because they are tiny, ladies tend to eat them without hesitation.  I rarely have left-overs.  I served them in our Nana's antique silver serving piece with ivory handles.  I actually think that it was originally a fish server...not today!
Chocolate Cream Sherry Bars and Coconut Cake.  Tip:  True confession...the cake is from Sam's and cost about $16.00.  At one party I served a homemade Coconut Cake that was really good at one end of the table....and the Sam's at the other end of the table.  The Sam's cake was demolished, and we had left overs from the homemade cake.  Now I was born at night, but not last night.  I've bought the Sam's cake ever since, and it's always a hit!

I like to serve a variety of tea sandwiches...just in case someone didn't have an opportunity to grab lunch before they came to the party. For years, I had a wonderful little lady who made them for me.  She finally retired when she was 100 years old...really!  I made these myself, but they don't compare to the beautiful little jewels that Mrs. Beavers made.  Mine tasted good, but hers were tiny works of art.  I miss her!  The antique Dorothy Thorpe Crystal trays holding the tea sandwiches and the Brie also belonged to our Nana.

I had such fun using the looping ribbon over the Christmas holidays that I decided to try it again with a shimmering pink mesh ribbon layered with a pink and white argyle ribbon.  I interspersed the ribbon with sparkling candleholders from Hobby Lobby.  Some of them were used with candles and some of them were used for my floral arrangements.  In both instances, I lined them with hot pink glass containers.

The Hobby Lobby French Wired Bird Cage was filled with more flowers and featured our hostess gift for Edie Elizabeth...a silver duck bank.  The flowers came from my usual floral boutiques...Sam's and Homeland Grocery Store. 

The table is ready to roll.  Come on in the living room for a minute...

More flowers graced different spots in the living room.  This is an antique pink and white vase that belonged to Nana.  Today it shared the table with the silver tidbit tray that eventually held a delicious hot artichoke dip.  Did you notice the flowers on the right side of the coffee table?...

 I always enjoy the opportunity to create an arrangement in our precious Nana's antique Black Starr & Frost silver presentation bowl.  It's probably my favorite of all the lovely things that belonged to Nana. We are blessed to steward it until it goes to the next generation.

Sans food, of course, I even had a spot of time to capture some candlelight shots the evening before the shower...

 It was a delightful day and a wonderful baby shower.  All this pink has me thinking about Valentine's Day.  Hmmm....I think that you might see more of these frilly girly elements next week!  Stay tuned!

I'm joining Marty from A Stroll Thru Life for  TABLE TOP TUESDAY.  Won't you come along , too?

Wednesday is the 46th edition of Cuisine Kathleen's meme, "LET'S DISH".  I'm excited to be a charter member.  Pop over (pun intended for the Chef Supreme Kathleen) and join the fun!

Lots of great ideas to be gathered when you visit Yvonne at Stone Gable forTUTORIALS, TIPS, & TIDBITS.  Don't waste another moment...hurry on over!  
Thank you, yet again, to Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for hosting her magical meme, Tablescape Thursday.  I'll be linking my post to "TABLESCAPE THURSDAYS."   Hop on over and check out the myriad of marvelous tablescape designs, after 10:00 AM on Thursdays.  You'll be glad that you made the's a wonderful adventure.

I always enjoy January for the expectations that it doesn't bring each year.  How about you?  With thankfulness for her dedication and efforts (even in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy), I'm joining the multi-talented Tablescaper for her fabulous memeSEASONAL SUNDAYS.  Hope to see you there! 

You can check out KC's music at, on iTunes, and on YouTube.  I hope that you'll take a few minutes and give her a listen.  You'll also enjoy reading back through her blog on this site.  The girl can really write!  Her latest CD is called "The Tag Hollow Sessions""  It is available on iTunes or through her website.  I hope that you'll give her music a chance.  I know that I have zero objectivity where she is concerned, but I think that you'll fall in love with her music and her!             

Waiting for Edie Elizabeth to Blossom

Various tips to help you cope with the stressors in your life:
• Take a time out and take a moment to address the situation
• It is important to focus on your breathing. Is it slow, calm, and deep or fast and agitated? Taking a moment to slow your breathing down can clear your mind and decrease your stress reaction.
• Practice progressive muscle relaxation.
• Consider keeping a stress journal to help you identify the regular stressors in your life and the way you deal with them.
• Get adequate amounts of sleep.
• Exercise on a regular basis.  When we exercise, our bodies release endorphins that create a natural high. Exercise helps regulate sleep, decrease tension, decrease depression, and increase your immune system.
• Make time for you; go out with friends, read a good book, watch a good movie, etc.
• Sometimes, when all else fails, learn to laugh.  Humor can help to lessen the load of any stressor.
• Most importantly, maintain an eternal perspective.  As long as you are striving to do your best, you will receive divine help and strength to accomplish everything that you need to accomplish.

“When our lives turn in an unanticipated and undesirable direction, sometimes we experience stress and anxiety. One of the challenges of this mortal experience is to not allow the stresses and strains of life to get the better of us—to endure the varied seasons of life while remaining positive, even optimistic. Perhaps when difficulties and challenges strike, we should have these hopeful words of Robert Browning etched in our minds: ‘The best is yet to be’”
-Elder L. Tom Perry

“Brothers and sisters, no matter our circumstances, no matter our challenges or trials, there is something in each day to embrace and cherish. There is something in each day that can bring gratitude and joy if only we will see and appreciate it.”
- President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Managing Life's Stressors

First things first...We are truly blessed to have the means to set a pretty table and invite our friends to join us for good food and fellowship. I am mindful that many are not so fortunate. My daughter has a passion for the work of the Food Bank. As a singer-songwriter, she has written and recorded a song that is the anthem for the world wide Crop Hunger Walk project. Her song, "Raise Your Voice" is featured in their video. I've included a link in the side margin of my blog. I hope that it will encourage you to support projects in your community that contribute to the effort to overcome hunger.

Out here on the prairie, cold winter days have been few and far between this winter, and snow has been only a memory of years past.  This past week we've flirted with 60º temperatures, but several weeks ago, winter did make a brief appearance.  That day, while thinking of times spent in Aspen and Vail, I decided that the laid back style of Colorado mountain living would direct my contribution to Cuisine Kathleen's Snow-Ice-Winter Challenge.  My friend Kathy was bringing take-out for lunch...a selection of hearty soups and a bottle of kind of party!

You already knew that we'd be dining at the games table in the living room. 

 The Williams-Sonoma Stewart Plaid Tablecloth, an eBay purchase set just the right tone.

 This was one of my 30 minute tables...I grabbed what was close and easy to get on the table.  The green napkins had been recently laundered and ironed, and I hadn't even put them away after storing all the Christmas decorations.

 I seated Kathy on the left, with a view of the crackling fireplace...perfect for a cold winter day.

I was tempted to figure out how to build a small fire in the humongus antique copper chaffing dish.  Probably better suited for the back porch, so I chose to be conservative...and safe.

Flanking the copper chaffing dish are a terra cotta wine brick... 
and my tried and true Antique Barley Twist candlesticks.  Today, I inserted the pegged, quilted votive cups that belonged to our dear Nana.
The Wedgwood Queens Plain Dinner Plate is 11 1/8", and it works well as a charger with many smaller dinner plates.  I bought these through Replacements, and they are actually quite reasonable at $9.99 each. Tip:  Always check Replacements before you buy dishes on eBay.  Sometimes the reasonable shipping prices at Replacements make them very competitive with eBay sellers, especially if you are ordering multiples of an item.

To continue the color story of the Stewart Plaid, I chose the small ruby flash dinner plate, picked up at few at a time at estate sales over the past few years. 

Topping the stack is the Churchill Pink Willow Soup Mug, found at Tuesday Morning.  The Towle Antique Bead stainless flatware is our everyday pattern.  I've had the Green Colony goblets for many years, and the unmarked Black Amethyst Goblets were an eBay find.

No time to make hot bread, but I've always said that there's nothing better than a crisp fresh Premium Saltine Cracker with soft, creamy butter.  I adore this little  Copeland Spode Tower Pink split dish.  It originally belonged to my mother-in-love.

The Williams-Sonoma Green Pitcher was a hostess gift for a wedding shower that I hosted a number of years ago.  It's a great piece. 

 I'm all set and ready for Kathy to walk through the front door.

Let me know if you're traveling my way.  I'd love to spend an afternoon at the table getting to know you better.  This will be your seat!

Wednesday is the 44th edition of Cuisine Kathleen's meme, "LET'S DISH".  I look forward to seeing all the interpretations of her Snow-Ice-Winter Challenge!  I'm excited to be a charter member.  Pop over (pun intended for the Chef Supreme Kathleen) and join the fun!

Lots of great ideas to be gathered when you visit Yvonne at Stone Gable forTUTORIALS, TIPS, & TIDBITS.  Don't waste another moment...hurry on over!  
Thank you, yet again, to Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for hosting her magical meme, Tablescape Thursday.  I'll be linking my post to "BETWEEN NAPS ON THE PORCH."   Hop on over and check out the myriad of marvelous tablescape designs, after 10:00 AM on Thursdays.  You'll be glad that you made the's a wonderful adventure.

I always enjoy January for the expectations that it doesn't bring each year.  How about you?  With thankfulness for her dedication and efforts (even in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy), I'm joining the multi-talented Tablescaper for her fabulous memeSEASONAL SUNDAYS.  Hope to see you there! 

You can check out KC's music at, on iTunes, and on YouTube.  I hope that you'll take a few minutes and give her a listen.  You'll also enjoy reading back through her blog on this site.  The girl can really write!  Her latest CD is called "The Tag Hollow Sessions""  It is available on iTunes or through her website.  I hope that you'll give her music a chance.  I know that I have zero objectivity where she is concerned, but I think that you'll fall in love with her music and her!             

A Cold Winter Day, 1.13

Today marks the 40thanniversary of Roe v. Wade, the historic Supreme Court decision recognizing that women have the right to choose abortion.  While lawmakers and pundits have twisted themselves into knots analyzing the impact and significance of the decision, for generations of people, the meaning of Roe is quite clear: It is the key to securing women’s place as equals in society.

For 10 years, Linn Duvall Harwell could only guess as to why her mother died so suddenly in 1929.  But when she found out that her mother, Clara Bell Duvall, died of an illegal abortion, Linn instantly understood.  “She loved her children…She was desperate because she wanted to care for them beautifully,” she told the Philadelphia Daily News  in 1986. While Linn understood the sacrifice her mother made, she knew it was a senseless loss. 

Linn held many jobs in her life, but the one nearest and dearest to her was pro-choice activist – as a member of NARAL Pro-Choice Americ a, the National Organization of Women and the founder of the Clara Bell Duvall Education Fund (now the Clara Bell Duvall Reproductive Freedom Project of the ACLU of Pennsylvania).  In a letter addressed to Representative Karen Ritter in 1990 Linn wrote, “The last thing a woman wants to consider when faced with an unwanted pregnancy is some bureaucrat sitting in an office in Harrisburg or a robed judge in a courtroom…. No woman can make advances in a career without the protection of her reproductive rights.”  It’s chilling to think that those words are just as true today as they were in 1990.

Linn wasn’t the only person fighting for reproductive rights.  As a college student in 1970, Peter Goldberger smuggled a friend to a secret location in Delaware, where she could obtain an abortion.  “I knew it was civil disobedience, but I don't think I considered any part of it other than doing the right thing for a friend in trouble,” he recalled.  “It was the right thing to do because it is what she had decided.”  It was only last week that he realized that, had he been caught, he would have faced up to five years in jail.

Later as a law student at Yale, Goldberger thought back to that night as he sat in classes and watched his colleagues on the frontlines of public interest law.  When Roe was decided in the second semester of his first year of law school, he reflected that the decision itself wasn’t a “gigantic event” on campus.  But for him, it was monumental. “The freedom to make that choice…is critical to women’s ability to succeed and be on an equal plane.”  He added that he had always thought that – but seeing it codified was another thing.
Jumping forward to today, we see a national climate that is as hostile as ever to reproductive justice.  But we also see a debate that has become more nuanced and more diverse than in previous decades. “Women born after Roe v. Wade – known as millennials -- see ‘choice’ as more complex than their predecessors,” says Alanna Tievsky, born a decade after Roe v. Wade. “So many of our fundamental rights are under attack – we can no longer narrowly focus only on access to abortion.”

Indeed, the battle is no longer just about safe, legal abortion – it’s defending the right to contraception, to maternal leave, to bodily integrity.  It’s about honoring the rights of women and men whose lives may not look like ours – and valuing their voices in the conversation.  And it’s about remaining constantly vigilant in a political climate that is slowly but surely chipping away at Roe and the full spectrum of reproductive choices we depend upon.” The legacy of millennial women will be reframing the debate around abortion to a dialogue that is more encompassing, more diverse, and more in tune with the needs of women and men, at every stage of their reproductive lives,” argues Gwen Emmons, a millennial and a reproductive justice activist.  “It’s a responsibility we take very seriously.”

Unfortunately for millennial activists in this field, it’s challenging to get a toehold in the leadership structure of the ‘old school’ abortion rights organizations. “Despite the fact that young reproductive activists are working in these organizations, losing sleep on the campaign trail, or manning the phones at abortion hotlines, previous generations argue that we ‘lack passion for abortion rights,’” says Emmons.  “If we’re to be the next guardians of reproductive choice, things have got to change.”  Tievsky notes the numerous strategies this generation has been using to combat the onslaught of anti-women’s health legislation locally and nationally. “A difference in strategies does not make us less passionate than Peter,” she argues.  “A belief in a broader vision of what choice is does not mean we cannot stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Linn.”  But that is the opinion of too many leaders in the choice movement.

Roe has had a profound impact on the fight for women’s equality.  Each generation has reacted to the continued attacks on women’s health with their own brand of activism.  For Linn Duvall Harwell, it was to volunteer and speak out at every opportunity she could.  For Peter Goldberger, it was to do the right thing – even if it was illegal.  And for Alanna Tievsky and Gwen Emmons, it’s to question the strategies and direction of previous generations – and plot a new course for the future.  As we look ahead to another 40 years of Roe(and beyond!), the goal must not only be to defend this monumental decision – it must be to nurture, inspire, and trustthe next generation of activists who will be protecting it.

Pledge to stand strong against attacks on Roe and all reproductive freedoms – then spread the word.

Roe at 40: Looking Backward, Looking Forward

First things first...We are truly blessed to have the means to set a pretty table and invite our friends to join us for good food and fellowship. I am mindful that many are not so fortunate. My daughter has a passion for the work of the Food Bank. As a singer-songwriter, she has written and recorded a song that is the anthem for the world wide Crop Hunger Walk project. Her song, "Raise Your Voice" is featured in their video. I've included a link in the side margin of my blog. I hope that it will encourage you to support projects in your community that contribute to the effort to overcome hunger.

I'm in the midst of preparing to host a large baby shower this coming Sunday.  Tonight I thought that we'd return to the THETA FLAMING FESTIVAL, 2012.  I want to share the table that my friend Barb and I designed for this enjoyable event.  This will be a comparatively short and sweet post.

Barb loves a pink and green color combination, so we said, "Let's go for it!"  We had fun poking through my china cabinets.

We perched my AJKA Arabella presentation bowl atop Barb's silver mirrored plateau.  My Lalique Love Birds rested underneath the bowl.  A pair of white reticulated hurricanes and a pair of Juliska style candlesticks completed the centerpiece.  I made the tablecloth.

The glass charger added a valuable pop of hot pink to our color story, and it was an effective frame for my Royal Doulton Lowestoft Dinner Plate.  The lovely silver flatware belonged to Barb's sweet mom.  We added my MacKenzie Childs' Individual Salts for a touch of feminine whimsy.

 We completed the stack with my Bernardaud Limoges Artois Accent Plate.  This beautiful delicate pattern is actually kind of difficult to use in a tablescape.  It takes a great deal of care to prevent it from "disappearing" on the table.  The placecard holders are Coalport.  The gorgeous linen napkin is another treasure from Barb's mom.

I always enjoy using my wedding crystal.  This goblet is Lalique Treves.

Today I paired it with the Waterford Simply Pink.  I get a lot of mileage out of this collection of colorful crystal...every bit of it found on eBay. Tip: After you have purchased something fragile via eBay, don't hesitate to communicate with the seller concerning safe packing procedures.  If you know a good way to ship something this delicate, share it with the seller.  They will appreciate your concern and suggestions.

We added the crystal decanters that I found several years ago at Tuesday Morning.  They effectively reflected the candlelight and added a nice finishing touch of sparkle to our table.  It was a great day to renew old acquaintances.  I look forward to next year's festival.

Wednesday is the 43rd edition of Cuisine Kathleen's meme, "LET'S DISH".  I'm excited to be a charter member.  Pop over (pun intended for the Chef Supreme Kathleen) and join the fun!

Lots of great ideas to be gathered when you visit Yvonne at Stone Gable forTUTORIALS, TIPS, & TIDBITS.  Don't waste another moment...hurry on over!  
Thank you, yet again, to Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for hosting her magical meme, Tablescape Thursday.  I'll be linking my post to "BETWEEN NAPS ON THE PORCH."   Hop on over and check out the myriad of marvelous tablescape designs, after 10:00 AM on Thursdays.  You'll be glad that you made the's a wonderful adventure.

When I think of January, I think of how nice it is to have all the Christmas decorations stored away until next year.  I love our Christmas house, but I always appreciate the pared down version each January.  How about you?  With thankfulness for her dedication and efforts (even in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy), I'm joining the multi-talented Tablescaper for her fabulous memeSEASONAL SUNDAYS.  Hope to see you there! 

This week I'm inking to Jamiann at The Blackberry Vine for Tuesday's To Do and List Makers.  Come along to find some inspiration and fun!  

You can check out KC's music at, on iTunes, and on YouTube.  I hope that you'll take a few minutes and give her a listen.  You'll also enjoy reading back through her blog on this site.  The girl can really write!  Her latest CD is called "The Tag Hollow Sessions""  It is available on iTunes or through her website.  I hope that you'll give her music a chance.  I know that I have zero objectivity where she is concerned, but I think that you'll fall in love with her music and her!             


Flaming Festival, Part 2
